Overview of Contents

Welcome to EMR Safety
“Cell Phones, Cell Towers, and Wireless Safety” (UC Berkeley presentation / video & slides, Feb. 2019)
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety: 2018 Year in Review
Overview Articles
International EMF Scientist Appeal –  also see https://emfscientist.org/ (video)
Cellphones and Public Health Policy (webinar, 30-minute video, May 2018)
Wall Street Journal asks “Should Cellphones Have Warning Labels?”
EMF Health Impacts and Policy Change Webinar
Wireless Technology & Public Health Teleconference (audio & slides)

Wireless Technology & Public Health Forum (video & slides)

Expert Forum on Cell Phone and Wireless Risks to Children (video)

Consumer Reports: Cell Phone Radiation Warnings
Four Lectures on Wireless Radiation Health Risks (Nov. 2016) (slides)

Mobilize: A Film About Cell Phone Radiation (video)

Wireless Radiation TV News Coverage (multiple videos)

Tips to Reduce Your Wireless Radiation Exposure

Mobile Phone Health Effects

Key Cell Phone Radiation Research Studies
Scientific Evidence of Harm from Cell Phone Radiation: Two Years of Research

Cancer or Tumor Risk

         Animal Research
NTP Cell Phone Radiation Study: Final Reports
National Toxicology Program (NTP) Finds Cell Phone Radiation Causes Cancer
National Toxicology Program: Peer & public review of cell phone radiation study reports

NTP: Not the First Govt. Study to Find Wireless Radiation Can Cause Cancer in Lab Rats
Ramazzini Institute Cell Phone Radiation Study Replicates NTP Study

        Human Research
Acoustic Neuroma and Cell Phone Use
Cell phone and cordless phone use causes brain cancer: New review
Long-Term Cell Phone Use Increases Brain Tumor Risk
Storyline vs. Rest-of-the-story: Brain cancer incidence, cellphone use & trends data

Thyroid Cancer and Mobile Phone Use
Cell Phone Use and Salivary Gland Tumor Risk
MOBI-KIDS: Childhood Brain Tumor Risk & Mobile Phone Use Study
Why do many scientists believe mobile phone use increases cancer risk?

MORE INFO HERE  Yuri Grigoriev, Russian BiophysicistAnd Non-Thermalist, Dies at 95

WHO Monograph on Cancer Risk from Mobile Phone Use

Brain Tumor Incidence
Brain Tumor Rates Are Rising in the US:The Role of Cellphone & Cordless Phone Use
Trends in Brain Tumor Incidence Outside the U.S.
The Incidence of Meningioma, a Non-Malignant Brain Tumor, is Increasing in the U.S.

Other Health Risks

Does long-term exposure to 4G LTE cell phone radiation impair cell phone users’ health?
Secondhand Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation: An Emerging Public Health Problem?

Effect of Mobile Phones on Sperm Quality

Pregnancy & Wireless Radiation Risks

Female Infertility & Cell Phone Radiation

Effects of Cell Phone Use on Adolescents
Research on Smart Phone and Internet Addiction
Has the Smart Phone Replaced the Cigarette?

Does Cell Phone and Wi-Fi Radiation Cause Alzheimer’s Disease?

Cellphone use may be harmful for people with dental braces

Cell Phone Radiation

What’s Wrong with Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Limits? (SAR)
Children are more exposed to cell phone radio-frequency radiation than adults
Buyer Beware: Cell Phone Radiation-Reducing Products
Cell Phone Cases Can Increase Radiation Exposure

Product Safety

Do iPhones emit more radiation than Samsung Galaxy phones?

iPhone XS and XR: Specific Absorption Rates or RF Exposure

iPhone X Models: Specific Absorption Rates (SAR) or RF Exposure
iPhone 8 Models: Specific Absorption Rates (SAR) or RF Exposure
iPhone 7 Models: Specific Absorption Rates (SAR) or RF Exposure

iPhone 6 SAR: Radiation Levels & Separation Distance

iPhone SE SAR: Radiation Levels & Separation Distance

Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus Specific Absorption Rates (SAR)

Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus Specific Absorption Rates (SAR) 
Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge Specific Absorption Rates (SAR)
Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge Specific Absorption Rates (SAR)

AirPods: Are Apple’s New Wireless Earbuds Safe? (Blood-brain barrier effects)

MORE INFO HERE  We the People… are driving insects to extinction with 5G, RF and EMF

New Apple Watch Reignites Concerns over Cell Phone Radiation
Google Glass Alert: Potential health risks from wireless radiation

Wireless Radiation Health Risks

International Perspective on Health Effects of Low Intensity Non-Ionizing Radiation
Recent Research on Wireless Radiation and Electromagnetic Fields
PowerWatch: 1,670 Scientific Papers on EMF (1979 – 2018)
Effects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: 833 Studies

Four lectures on wireless radiation health effects

How does wireless radiation produce harmful health effects?

EMF Controversies in Neurobiology

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)

Cell Tower Health Effects
Cell Phone Towers are Largest Contributor to Environmental Radiofrequency Radiation

Recent Research on WiFi Effects

Wi-Fi in Schools & Other Public Places

Council of Europe: Restrict Wi-Fi and Mobile Phone Use in Schools

Effects of Wireless Radiation on Birds and Other Wildlife

Electromagnetic fields threaten wildlife
Cell Tower Radiation Affects Wildlife: Dept. of Interior Attacks FCC

Health Experts Caution About Smart Meters

Hybrid & Electric Cars: Electromagnetic Radiation Risks

U.S. Navy’s Electronic War Games

5G Wireless Technology and “Small Cell” Antennas

Scientists and Doctors Demand Moratorium on 5G
5G Wireless Technology: Is 5G Harmful to Our Health?

5G Wireless Technology: Millimeter Wave Health Effects

5G Wireless Technology: Cutting Through the Hype

5G Wireless Technology: Major newspaper editorials oppose “small cell” antenna bills
FCC Open Letter Calls for Moratorium on New Commercial Applications of Radiofrequency Radiation

Cell Tower Health Effects

The Politics of Wireless Radiation Research & Regulation

American Academy of Pediatrics
American Academy of Pediatrics: Protect Children from Cell Phone & Wireless Radiation

American Cancer Society
American Cancer Society: Cell Phone Radiation Risk

Berkeley Model Cell Phone Ordinance

Berkeley Cell Phone “Right to Know” Ordinance
Berkeley Cell Phone “Right to Know” Ordinance: Media Coverage

California Public Health Department
Cell Phone Safety Guidance from the California Public Health Department
California’s Cell Phone Safety Guidance: Media Coverage
California’s Cell Phone Safety Guidance: 2017 vs 2009

MORE INFO HERE  Scientific Fraud: Prof. Alexander Lerchl (5G Scientist)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
New York Times’ Exposé of CDC’s Retraction of Warnings about Cell Phone Radiation

Federal Communications Commission
FCC Open Letter: Moratorium on New Commercial Applications of RF Radiation
FCC needs input regarding allocation of spectrum for 5G

An Exposé of the FCC: An Agency Captured by the Industries it Regulates

GAO 2012 Mobile Phone Report to the Congress
FCC:Why We Need Stronger Cell Phone Radiation Regulations–Key Testimony

Cell Tower Radiation Affects Wildlife: Dept. of Interior Attacks FCC
Cell Phone Radiation Hazards in 2002

Industry Influence
Industry-funded Scientists Undermine Cell Phone Radiation Science

Government Failure to Address Wireless Radiation Risks

Cell Phone Industry Product Liability Lawsuit

International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
ICNIRP’s Exposure Guidelines for Radio Frequency Fields
Worldwide Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure Limits versus Health Effects

State Legislation
Massachusetts Cell Phone & Wireless Safety Legislation

Oregon Cell Phone & Wi-Fi Safety Warning Legislation

World Health Organization
WHO Radiofrequency Radiation Policy

Power Line Frequencies or Extremely Low Frequency Fields

PowerWatch: 1,670 Scientific Papers on EMF (1979 – 2018)

Effects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: 833 Studies
Cancer Risks from Exposure to Power Lines and Electrical Appliances
